![]() 06/04/2019 at 22:51 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
La Luz del Mundo is, erm, a “church” . and my President is a religious nut who can’t even keep it together. So, it’s no coincidence that during his administration, and for the first time in history, a religious ceremony was carried out at a national monument; the Palacio de Bellas Artes. La Luz del Mundo’s pastor held a ceremony here, which felt rather inappropriate to millions of Mexicans who cherish the (and seek more) separation of church from state.
Anyway, the reason I put a Sunchaser, is because the Attorney General of California (who an oppo may know indirectly about) just arrested the Church’s leader.... apparently he’s linked to 26 felonies. Evidently, Lopez Obrador isn’t the one that gave Nasson Joaquin Garcia the right to use Bellas Artes for a ceremony, but someone up the government chain did, could be the secretary of culture.
Politicians are used to controversy around sex here, just google “NXIVM” and be horrified.
![]() 06/04/2019 at 23:08 |
eriously, what’s up cults
and sexual assault? It seems like w
there is a cult, there’s usually sexual assault.
![]() 06/04/2019 at 23:23 |
Take one sociopath, give them way more power than they deserve, sprinkle in a bit of God complex and a few followers than don’t ask questions, and presto - people abusing their power.
![]() 06/04/2019 at 23:43 |
Cults are the perfect place to commit sexual crimes because the cult leader controls the laws, bylaws and the cultee’s perception of reality. Outside a cult, all that stuff is formed from an agreemen t between you, your community and your government. But when one person controls all that, things that would ordinary be obviously wrong just look like how things are supposed to be. It's not 'sexual slavery', silly. It's just paying your due tribute to the avatar of Baeleth, who abhors currency, but is honored by offerings of the flesh.
![]() 06/04/2019 at 23:51 |
probably the power, and the pretentiousness, and the depravity. Really, I’m just waiting for Nessor to involve some
ne in government here.
![]() 06/05/2019 at 00:55 |
In my neighborhood there is a Le Luz de Mundo, Russian Jehova’s Witness, Russian Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Orthodox Jewish, Mennonite, Baha’i, Buddhist and Anglican churches/temples/ meeting/ places. I love my hood. It’s a melting pot within a melting pot.
The Le Luz de Mundo congregants seem to be the most secluded. The Russians sent some babushki to my house and they realized I was a lost cause. I’m married in the Catholic Church, so I’m good with them (which probably keeps the Anglicans away), and I’m and honorary Jew. The Mennonites are just a bunch of old people. The Buddhists and Baha’i don’t try to convert anyone and add a bit of style to the local grocery store.
I remember looking up Le Luz de Mundo in high school when they started building a mosque style church near downtown Phoenix. The founder of the cult was a child molester. There was a guy who was set to give an interview about being molested who ended up being murdered.
![]() 06/05/2019 at 01:14 |
I think that calling it a cult is appropriate.
I don’t tend to notice the religious practices of those around me. I attend a Jesuit school, and a few friends of mine follow that particular... erm, brand? of religion?
I... I don’t know. The stylish people at the grocery store are mostly youtube influencers, hipsters, or Americans speaking way,
too loud.
![]() 06/05/2019 at 01:32 |
Cult leaders need to take some notes from M. Bison. Talk about booststapping your way to godhood.